How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain? No weight gain this week! I’m still at 111…
Total weight gain? No weight gain this week! I’m still at 111…
Waist/Belly Measurement? No waist or belly growth this week either! Still 27.5"/32”.
Maternity clothes? Definitely wearing a few pairs of jeans. As you can tell in the picture, I’m starting to get a little belly. :)
Stretch marks? None yet.. Fingers crossed!
Sleep? Totally back to normal. I’ve even been able to stay up late (which is to say 11 pm) and watch the Olympic coverage this week!
Best moment this week? Finally letting everyone at work know that we’re expecting.
Have you told Family and Friends? Absolutely everyone now knows!
Miss Anything? I can honestly say I didn’t miss anything this week.
Movement? I thought I felt some flutters, but I think I’m just really excited to feel movement. Typically you don’t feel it until around 16-18 weeks with the first pregnancy.
Cravings? Candy… Ahhh I wanted sour patch kids so bad. I think it had something to do with watching this weeks episode of “Project Runway” more than anything. Candy clothes? Yes please.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not a thing!
Have you started to show? I got my first “I thought so” when I told someone I was pregnant this week.. haha So I must be showing a little bit!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms? Only a few backaches and only one headache. I was pretty symptom free overall.
Belly Button in or out? I'm still an innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Well I was sleeping normally, I wasn’t nauseated, and relatively ache free.. So that all made me pretty jolly!
Looking forward to? Finishing the painting of the nursery. Jesse is not a fan of painting, and he won’t even let me near a paint can. So I have a 1/3 painted room that I’ve been sewing in. It’s so… creative? haha
And just because... Here's Sammy.
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Puh-Puh-Puh-Puppy Face. Puh-Puh-Puppy Face. |