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Pardon the going to the lake outfit.. :) |
How far along? 11 Weeks
Total weight gain? 3lbs, I gained a pound this week! I’m going to blame that on my horrible eating habits this weekend.
Waist/Belly Measurement? 27"/32”. Up ½” in the tummy this time, for a total of 2” overall.
Total weight gain? 3lbs, I gained a pound this week! I’m going to blame that on my horrible eating habits this weekend.
Waist/Belly Measurement? 27"/32”. Up ½” in the tummy this time, for a total of 2” overall.
Maternity clothes? None this week. Still rocking the rubber band and a few pairs of “fat jeans”, and TONS of maxi dresses! They are so comfortable and flattering when you’re trying to hid that belly.
Stretch marks? Still don’t have any of those! I won a new body butter in a giveaway, so I’m really excited to try it out. Other than that I’m still using my Mama Bee body oil.
Sleep? I’ve been up a lot this week for bathroom breaks! Other than that, sleep has been pretty normal.
Best moment this week? I finished the cushion I talked about last week, and it looks so cute! I can’t wait to post pictures of it later.. I promise I will! I also started getting stuff to start decorating the nursery because Joann’s was having a crazy sale. Gender neutral, of course. :)
Have you told Family and Friends? Still the same people! Jesse ended up letting it slip to one of his best friends this week, and I had to tell him to call him back and add that we aren’t telling everyone until the end of July.. And I felt so bad! But I still think we should wait until after we’re officially in the second trimester.
Miss Anything? Definitely baseball stadium beer. We went to a AAA baseball game this week with some friends and everyone, Jesse included, was enjoying the 24 oz. drafts. Meanwhile, I have a souvenir soda and cotton candy. If I can’t have beer, I will have sugar.
Movement? None yet!
Cravings? Still pickles! Jesse bought me one of the HUGE jars of pickles this week, which I thought was so sweet!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Occasionally my vitamin will make me a little nauseous for a few minutes, but overall I think we’re done with the nausea! At least I hope so…
Have you started to show? Still only looking pregnant to myself. I think in the next couple of weeks I’ll really push out though.
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms? My skin was SO horrible this week! Seriously, it was like being in highschool again. I think I can attribute a lot of it to being so lazy that I forget to wash my face at night though. I’ll fall asleep on the couch and just crawl in to bed at 10 pm, so I bought some face cleansing wipes to help out with my laziness.
Belly Button in or out? I'm still an innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time? I’m right back to my normal personality, which is still about 80/20 for happy and moody.
Looking forward to? Seeing Miss Maddee! I’m heading up to Dallas to visit her for a few days before the 4th!
I'm using the drive time to catch up on bump watch. 80/20 happy-moody split? A little over zealous, no? JK! Love you :) AND Thanks for coming to visit in Dallas!