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2nd trimester, here we come!! |
How far along? 14 Weeks, we’re officially in the 2nd
Total weight gain? 5 lbs, up from 106 to 111. I’m trying not to freak out, and the lovely people who keep telling me that I don’t look pregnant or fat will be getting presents come Christmas.
Total weight gain? 5 lbs, up from 106 to 111. I’m trying not to freak out, and the lovely people who keep telling me that I don’t look pregnant or fat will be getting presents come Christmas.
Waist/Belly Measurement? 27.5"/32”. Baby and I gained another ½” in the waist for a total of 2.5” overall.
Maternity clothes? I broke down this week, and even though the books and websites tell me that I don’t need to wear maternity clothes because they won’t fit, they do. That’s probably because the only thing that appears to be growing is my tummy! Everything else is pretty much where it was before. I have a few pairs of pants that fit right now that I got on sale (like, $10 on sale) from the Gap and I also have the leggings I preciously purchased. The good news is that most of the space to grow is in the tummy, so I’ll probably fit them until at least the end of this trimester. Besides, at a whopping $60 for 2 pairs of jeans and 4 pairs of leggings that are insanely comfortable, I won’t be totally upset if they don’t. :)
Stretch marks? I’ve been using my Dream Belly Butter from Fairhaven Health, and it’s amazing! I don’t expect to have stretch marks right now anyway, but just using this stuff has actually made old ones from growth spurts less visible. So if anything helps, I have a feeling this will.
Sleep? Starting to feel less tired, and my sleep schedule has leveled out.
Best moment this week? Starting to work on the nursery! We picked out a paint color and bought the crib! I’m really excited to get it going in the next couple of weeks!
Have you told Family and Friends? YES! We finally announced to everyone that we’re expecting, and the response was amazing! We feel so lucky to have such an amazing group of people in our lives. :)
Miss Anything? I miss yoga and running! I keep telling myself I’ll get back to the gym more regularly. Hopefully that starts this week…
Movement? Still no squirms!
Cravings? Tamarind candy, which I probably shouldn’t eat. I told my husband I’d wait until our week 16 appointment to clear the next bag with my Doctor. It’s just soooooo good!!! I’ve also developed a semi-craving for fruit cups (in juice, not syrup!) and yogurt. At least it’s something that’s better for me. Better than candy… haha
Anything making you queasy or sick? For the first time ever, NOTHING made me sick this week. Jesse even warmed up pizza (does it seem like we eat a lot of pizza?? Haha) and it didn’t bother me!
Have you started to show? I think I have what looks like a full tummy, and no one else seems to have noticed until I tell them. So I’m going to stick with no, unless you know what you’re looking for.
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms? Still getting the backaches, but they’ve gotten a little better. Plus my skin has cleared up and my nausea is completely gone!
Belly Button in or out? I'm still an innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time? I was pretty happy this week!
Looking forward to? Starting the nursery! This week we’re painting… And I might get crazy and put together the crib! I also started the bumpers, even though I don’t know if we’ll use them yet. People get really touchy about them!
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