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Whoa Mama! The belly is encroaching on the sign! |
How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain? I’m up 1.5 lbs this week to 114, yikes! When I weighed myself I thought “How did that happen?” Then as I started to fill out the post for this week I realized it was the candy, cookies, and eating out. haha
Total weight gain? I’m up 1.5 lbs this week to 114, yikes! When I weighed myself I thought “How did that happen?” Then as I started to fill out the post for this week I realized it was the candy, cookies, and eating out. haha
Waist/Belly Measurement? 27.5"/34”, up ½” in the belly!
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and a mix of shirts. I’m still small enough to fit into my usual shirt size. I even got into a pair of regular jeans this week using a rubber band!
Stretch marks? Still none!
Sleep? Sleep is getting worse as my hips are getting more and more loose. They’re really sore when I wake up some mornings. I also find that I roll over onto my back a lot, so I wake up and then freak out and quickly roll to the side.
Best moment this week? I can’t
really name an amazing moment this week.. The hipster in the drive thru window
at Starbucks keeps calling me “pretty lady”. I’m sure he says that to everyone,
but when you’re pregnant you’ll take what you can get. haha
Have you told Family and Friends? Yes!
Miss Anything? I was kind of stressed at work this week, so I missed delicious ice cold beer. Or wine. Anything to just de-stress after work! I ended up making cookies instead.. That’s probably another reason I gained 1.5 lbs this week.
Movement? Still very sporadic, but cupcake is definitely moving in there. I notice it a lot when I get dehydrated (bad Mom!) because when baby squirms it sets of Braxton Hicks!!
Cravings? It was candy this week. I inhaled it! I had jolly ranchers, sour patch kids, twizzlers, and a twix bar.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! I’m pretty un-queasy.
Have you started to show? Again, I think so. But a co-worker in passing discovered I was pregnant by the conversation I was having with another person, and he asked if he had missed something. I told him I was 19 weeks pregnant and he said “WHERE?!” So that was kind of funny. Still, I think I look pregnant. :) Not to mention my belly is even COVERING MY SIGN this week.. haha!
Labor Signs? Do Braxton Hicks count? I’m totally bumping up my water intake.
Symptoms? Braxton Hicks and hip soreness. I guess my body is prepping for labor and delivery, to which I say “Slow down!!” We’ve still got at least 17-18 weeks!
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie. It doesn’t even look shallow… I don’t think my belly button will pop out!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time? I was a little more moody this week, but that was more work related than anything. Some weeks are just better than others!
Looking forward to? Going to Ikea this weekend and getting the replacement crib (darn broken cribs!!) and getting to put the cute little bumpers I made into it. Once I get it all put together I can start measuring for the skirt and sheets! But knowing us it probably won’t even happen this week.