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I'm getting a little lazy with the chalkboard art. |
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain? Still holding steady at 111.5 lbs, only up 5.5lbs so far. My mom said not to worry, I’ll gain weight. Plus I checked the pregnancy weight gain tracker I’ve been using online and it also says that I’m still on track, although I’ve migrated my way to the lower end of the spectrum.
Total weight gain? Still holding steady at 111.5 lbs, only up 5.5lbs so far. My mom said not to worry, I’ll gain weight. Plus I checked the pregnancy weight gain tracker I’ve been using online and it also says that I’m still on track, although I’ve migrated my way to the lower end of the spectrum.
Waist/Belly Measurement? 27"/33”, up ½” in the tummy but down ½” in the waist. I’ll take it!
Maternity clothes? I purchased some more clothes online this week, we have a few weddings coming up and I don’t have any dresses to wear! I looked around here but it just seems like all maternity clothes are way to big for me (I know, I know, first world skinny girl problems), so I ordered a few dresses from Old Navy in XS. I picked up some cute clearance shirts while I was there, too. Hey! I was already buying stuff, might as well get free shipping. Plus I some 26” Citizen maternity jeans for, get this, $10. Can you believe it?! These things retail for $150+! Even though I’m always impressed with the sweet finds I get when I thrift, this is definitely my best!
Stretch marks? Still none, but I’m keeping myself well oiled.. haha
Sleep? Still about the same. It was kind of rough last night, but it’s good overall.
Best moment this week? I definitely felt some little baby flutters this week! I had just left the Doctor’s office and told him that I had yet to feel movement, which is normal for 16 weeks, and then while sitting at my desk listening to music the little one fluttered! It kind of felt like someone was tapping their fingers on the inside of my tummy. Soooo stinking cute and magical! Of course, like a schmuck, I cried. :) Then I felt him/her again this weekend in the car while I was listening to the radio. Apparently we’ve got a little dancer on our hands!
Have you told Family and Friends? Yes!
Miss Anything? I was kind of stressed out one night this week and I thought “normally, I’d come home and have a beer with my husband” but that was out of the question. So he took me for custard instead. What a sweetie!
Movement? Yes yes YES! Only a few times, but definite cupcake squirms.
Cravings? I finally got the OK from the Doc to indulge myself in tamarind candy. MMM!! Other than that, nothing really.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing this week! I swear I’ve got a cast iron stomach.
Have you started to show? Yes! No strangers have pointed it out (thanks, by the way!) but friends and family have told me that I have a little belly.
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms? Only one backache this week. I think I got a little too aggressive with the cleaning.. haha
Belly Button in or out? I'm still an innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Jesse told me this weekend that I’m always happy now. I love to hear that! I swear I’m like the happiest pregnant lady.. haha It probably helps that I wasn’t sick and I don’t feel uncomfortable at all.
Looking forward to? Well, painting is almost complete! Jesse just wants to touch up the baseboards and we’re good to go! Then I move everything back against the walls and put the crib together. Next stop, bedding!!
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