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Note to self: Using camera flash in the morning will make you pale. |
How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain? Up ½ lb to 111.5lbs, I finally started gaining weight again! I never thought I’d be happy to say that.. haha I was getting concerned, though. I hadn’t gained weight since week 13.
Total weight gain? Up ½ lb to 111.5lbs, I finally started gaining weight again! I never thought I’d be happy to say that.. haha I was getting concerned, though. I hadn’t gained weight since week 13.
Waist/Belly Measurement? 27.5"/32.5”, up ½” in the tummy (although it looks and feels like more..)!
Maternity clothes? I’m pretty much exclusively wearing maternity pants/leggings and regular dresses and shirts. They’re just so much more comfortable since I’m only growing in my lower belly right now.
Stretch marks? Still none!
Sleep? Sleep is great! I was only tired a few times this week, probably because we were staying up late for the Olympics.
Best moment this week? Honestly this week was pretty uneventful. I thought I felt flutters, but I think I’m just way too excited to feel movement.
Have you told Family and Friends? Absolutely everyone now knows!
Miss Anything? Having clear skin. Yikes.
Movement? I thought I felt something!... But again, I think I’m just getting pumped up.
Cravings? I discovered that I don’t just want candy, it’s fruit flavored candy! I don’t want chocolate, just sour patch kids or starburst, etc. So I bought some organic fruit strips and I’ve been eating fruit in hopes that I won’t want candy anymore.. haha
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not a thing!
Have you started to show? I think so! Everyone who knows tells me that I’m only getting bigger in the belly area, and everywhere else looks normal.
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms? Still backaches and headaches, and let’s throw in some hormonal acne for good measure.
Belly Button in or out? I'm still an innie!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Jesse and I talked about this, and we’re both surprised at how calm and even tempered I’ve been. Especially for me! He pointed out that there was a week or so where I was really irritable, but otherwise I’ve been really enjoyable. Ha!
Looking forward to? We’re still painting. Like I said, Jesse’s not a fan of the whole painting thing. He did finally finish up the walls, now we just need to caulk and paint the baseboards and do the lower trim. Then I can move everything to where it needs to be and put the crib together (probably in 4 weeks.. haha)!
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