Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Coming Soon: Our Little Hill!

On May 9th I woke up from a really weird dream. I usually have odd dreams anyhow, most of which I can't remember, but this one was different. In this dream I was taking a pregnancy test.. And it was positive. I tried to convince myself that I was just having another one of my silly dreams that wasn't true (marrying Aaron Rodgers, anyone?). How could I even know that I was pregnant? I wouldn't even be "late" for almost a week. No... This was just silly.

Well, I convinced myself for about 5 minutes and then when my husband jumped in the shower I got up and took a test I had left over from a while back. Let's be real: if you're a woman in a committed relationship with a man and you don't  have a pregnancy test lying around, you're just crazy. Just plain bananas.

I let the test sit for the recommended 3-5 minutes, and then took a peek to see what I'd be doing for the next 9 or so months plus 18 years of my life. It was a generic brand test, and I couldn't really see if it was positive or not. Makes sense, if I was pregnant I would only be 3 weeks and 3 days along. Too bad people who think they might be pregnant don't rationalize very well. So I did something you should never do. I repeat, never. I opened up the pregnancy test cartridge. Yeah yeah, so sue me. The test just looked inconclusive. Upon opening it, I thought it looked positive, but I wasn't convinced enough to tell Jesse. I decided this called for something I never in my life thought I would buy: A dollar store pregnancy test.  I wasn't going to shell out $15 for more things to pee on just yet. So the next morning, on May 10th, I took another test when I woke up.

That one was definitely positive.

At this point, all sorts of things start to flash through my head. Mostly, "I'm more excited that I thought I would be," and, "I can't wait to tell Jesse in a ridiculously cute way!" So I went to work, snatched up some craft supplies on the way home so I could tell my loving husband in that cute way, and took that extra test when I got home. Better safe than sorry! There was still another line. Yesssss!

I made a little onesie that said "I ♥ dad" and stuck it in a bag for when he got home. Unfortunately when he got home he was on the phone, and at only 3 weeks pregnant I wasn't exactly ready to shout anything from the rooftops, so I had to try and keep him from opening it until he hung up. He kept asking what it was, and I just said, "I don't know, you'll have to open it!" As soon as he opened it he got this adorable grin and he said, "I thought that's what it was." So I guess we both knew I was pregnant. I don't believe it, I think he figured it out halfway through opening the gift, but I'll let him have that one.

The next day I called my OBGYN to inquire about coming in for a blood test. Apparently nowadays they just go by what your little stick says, so I made the decision to switch to the hospital closest to our house (same clinic) and made the first prenatal appointment with them. On June 11th, at 8 weeks, I'll be going in for my first appointment and ultrasound for Our Little Hill! Until then I'll keep myself busy by trying not to decorate the nursery and mourning the loss of my beloved sewing room. Also, trying not to pin a bunch of baby stuff and tip everyone off before I want to tell them. That in itself seems like it will keep me busy for the next 4 weeks.

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