Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hey Baby!: Week 8 Ultrasound

Yesterday we had our first prenatal appointment, complete with our very first scan! I'll admit I was a little worried, since I had heard that usually the first scan was a little... invasive? Hopefully you get my drift. Imagine my surprise when the nurse first the ultrasound wand on my pelvis area, I guess being thin makes it easier to do it this way the first time around. Not that I or anyone would call me thin right now. Ha! I had also heard that I wouldn't be able to hear the little one's heart beat, so I had set my self up to just see the flicker. Again, surprise and shock when I heard a methodic "thump thump thump" coming from the machine. I asked the nurse if it was me (pregnancy brain pass, thanks!) and she told me "Oh goodness no, sweetie! That's the baby!"  As you can see, 167 bpm and going strong!  They also set my due date as either 1/20/13 or 1/21/13.. It's shown on the 2nd picture as both. So I guess we're already mildly uncertain of arrival!

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