Sunday, February 3, 2013

Two Week Update!

I can't believe it's already been (over)  two weeks since my little munchkin made her appearance! She's already grown so much. I seriously can't believe how different she looks! Or at least bigger.. :) She even outgrew her first outfit right at two weeks! I was kind of excited but sad at the same time because that means my little baby is growing! She's also starting to be awake more often, and more alert when she's awake which is amazing. Her eyes get really big when she's interested in something and it's always fun to watch her react to new sounds.

Leaving the hospital, at one week, and at two weeks!
Since we left the hospital we've had two Doctor's appointments and 4 weigh-ins. We were kind of freaking out about her weight (she had lost 8 ounces when we left), but by her two week appointment she had gained it all back and was up to 7 lbs 4 oz. I can't believe she's gaining almost 6 ounces a week, but she's already eating 3 oz at every feeding so it's not that crazy. She eats about 21 ounces of expressed milk a day (3 oz 6-7 times a day) and she also nurses once or twice. When she gets really fussy we let her nurse, and it seems to calm her down quite a bit.

We started her on bottles right before she turned two weeks old I think it actually helped her latch. You hear all this hubbub about "nipple confusion" and almost every lactation consultant will tell you not to introduce pacifiers or bottles until at least a month, but we were having major latch issues. She has a good latch and a good suck reflex, she just got really upset when it was time to feed. It would take us 30 minutes just to get her calmed down enough to eat! Now when it's time to nurse she pops right on. So I'm calling BS on nipple confusion. Some babies might have it, but not Emily.

Our pediatrician also suggested we start her on tummy time because her neck and arms are so strong already. It seems so early to start, but she assured us that it's never too early to start tummy time and suggested we start with 5-10 minutes a day (or however long she'll tolerate it) and see how she develops.

As for Mommy, I'm doing great! I'm moving around way better this week and not feeling pain anymore, and I've also lost more of that water I was retaining from the hospital stay. I'm down to 126 lbs and measuring at 28" in the waist and 34" in the belly. I look much less pregnant and more like I'm just carrying a few pounds around.. haha But I've only got 10-15 lbs to lose since I've got to retain some of the weight for healthy breastfeeding, and at 2 weeks post partum I can't complain about that. Jesse goes back to work next week so Emily, Sammy and I are going to try to get in lots of walks in the fresh air!

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